40.000 Helfer*innen, 300 Tonnen Müll: Danke für Eure Unterstützung!

Nach dem CleanUp ist vor dem CleanUp. Der Termin für den nächsten, bundesweiten RCU-Aktionstag steht bereits: Samstag, 13. September 2025.

Gemeinsam für saubere Flüsse

WeißeElsterCleanUp sorgt dafür, dass der Müll an den Flüssen nicht ausufert. Wir engagieren uns, um die Umwelt zu schützen und um Flüsse und Weltmeere sauber zu halten. Seid dabei und unterstützt uns. Motiviert bitte auch Eure Freunde, Kollegen und Nachbarn. Wir unterstützen Euch dabei!

Die Weiße Elster fließt durch die Bundesländer Thüringen, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt. In der Weißen Elstern, an den Uferzonen und dem umliegenden Gebiet leben verschiedene Tierarte. Zu den typischen Tieren in Flussgebieten gehören:

  • Fische: Forellen, Äschen, Döbel, Barsche
  • Vögel: Enten, Reiher, Kormorane
  • Säugetiere: Fledermäuse, Bisamratten
  • Amphibien und Reptilien: Eidechsen, Schlangen

Prime Partner

Deutsche Postcode Lotterie

Working together for a greener future: Deutsche Postcode Lottery is actively committed to our environment as a main partner.

The mission of the social lottery is to create a better world for us humans and to preserve our planet. The RhineCleanUp not only strengthens social togetherness, but also triggers a rethinking of environmental pollution and its associated consequences. After our employees have already actively supported the big "Rhine CleanUp" in 2018, 2019 and 2020, with the help of our participants we are again financially supporting the project from source to mouth this year. In addition to measures to promote the campaign, work equipment such as trash bags, high-visibility vests, gloves and grabs will be provided for the many thousands of helpers to clean up Germany's second-largest river and its tributaries. And the best thing about it is that anyone can join in and make their contribution to a clean environment.


River Cleanup

River Cleanup has partnerships all over the world and activated more than 180.000 people in 80 countries along 161 rivers. By connecting people, businesses and governments, the non-profit creates involvement and commitment to work together for a clean environment. The combination of people and technology is an efficient and effective approach to stop the 11 billion kg of plastic that ends up in our oceans, every year.


Newly formed in May 2007, the IGSU is an Interest Group for a Clean Environment in Switzerland. The initiative was taken by two private sector recycling organisations, the IGORA Cooperative for Aluminium Recycling and PRS PET-RECYCLING Switzerland. The two organisations have been working together against littering since 2004. Nonetheless, they sought to support activities against littering on a larger scale and have therefore founded the IGSU.

concepts and creations

The advertising agency "c&c concepts and creations GmbH" from attaches great importance to environmental protection. That is why she supports various projects for a clean and healthy environment. With the agency we have found a reliable partner for the maintenance and further development of our website, who is committed to a good cause together with us.
